FinDock awarded 2020 ISV Partner of the Year Nonprofit EMEA
It’s official! FinDock wins the 2020 ISV Partner of the Year for Nonprofit EMEA. This is a real honor, and it is testament to the hard work and commitment of the whole FinDock team. A big thank you to all our consulting partners who help make FinDock a success for...
Bringing Tikkie success to Salesforce
Our vision at FinDock is to enable nonprofits and commercial enterprises to create unique payment journeys for their customers. Personalized experiences are what we have all come to expect in a digital age. Being where your customers and donors are and offering the...
Tikkie and FinDock team up for Salesforce
(See below for Dutch version / Nederlandse versie staat beneden) In an exclusive arrangement with ABN AMRO Tikkie, FinDock is launching full Tikkie integration enabling Salesforce customers of any size to use Tikkie directly from within Salesforce. With over 6 million...